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Horse Feed Tags – What Do They Mean?

We all know the sight: the overly eager horse in the barn, screaming and pacing its stall as soon as it hears the first drop of grain into a bucket. Unable to contain its excitement when it is fed, the horse gulps down the feed, practically within minutes. While this may be an everyday routine for many horses, have you, as a horse owner, ever thought about the consequences of an impatient, quick-to-consume eater?

Feeding to Minimize the Risk of Choke in a Horse’s Diet

We all know the sight: the overly eager horse in the barn, screaming and pacing its stall as soon as it hears the first drop of grain into a bucket. Unable to contain its excitement when it is fed, the horse gulps down the feed, practically within minutes. While this may be an everyday routine for many horses, have you, as a horse owner, ever thought about the consequences of an impatient, quick-to-consume eater?

Non-Structural Carbohydrates in Equine Feeds

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Starches, non-structural carbohydrates, and structural carbohydrates… what is the difference, and why are they needed in a horse’s diet? These terms may appear confusing, especially when applied to a feeding program.

Feeding the Laminitic Horse


Many horses are prone to or have laminitis, an inflammatory disease of the hoof laminae. Thick, green pastureland is typically high in sugar, which, when too much is eaten, heightens the severity of laminitis the inflammation of the hoof laminae.