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Why Horse Owners Shouldn’t be Afraid of Molasses

sweet feed

I have heard many times that horse owners cannot have molasses in their feeds. When I ask them why, they oftentimes don’t know. It is either, “My vet said so,” or “Molasses causes my horse to be crazy.” Molasses in and of itself is not a bad ingredient to have in horse feed. Actually, it […]

Why Getting Your Hay Analyzed Really Isn’t That Hard


Some horse owners would think to themselves, “Yeah, testing hay sounds like a good idea…but my program is way too big, busy, and I just don’t have time for something that complicated.” Well say good-bye to that excuse because I am here to fill everyone in on how easy it is to have your hay […]

Why Ration Balancers are Awesome


It’s that time of year again! Summer means more grass and turnout time for your horse and possibly a more padded wallet for you from not having to buy so much grain. Some of you may be thinking…my horse’s grain intake stays the same all year long…should I be doing something differently? Maybe yes and […]

Sarah Macharg Finds Grand Arch

sarah macharg

Sarah Macharg is one of those equestrians that eats, sleeps, and breathes horses, not for the fame or status…but because it is her ultimate passion. So knowing this about her, it is of no surprise that she said she realized her new RRP horse was famous after she already fell in love with him. Grand […]

A Look Into the Demands of Polo


I had the privilege of sitting down with Tiffany Meredith, Marketing and Development Director of the Louisville Polo Club, and got to chat with her about the demands of polo, the health of her horses, and how much she loves Excel Equine® . Polo is a sport that not many of us equestrians have ever […]

How Equine Nutrition Affects Bone, Joint, and Muscle Health


The use of equine chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage specialists, and other alternative therapies have gone up exponentially in the past few years. It seems as though every other trainer out there has their chiropractor on speed dial or are using different therapeutic modalities for their horses. These services offered are wonderful. They add another layer to […]

Feeding the Starved Horse

Emaciated horse copy

Unfortunately, in the equine community, we have all probably known first or second hand a horse that has been malnourished. Why would this happen so often? In a society like we have today, with all kinds of regulatory bodies and assistance programs for horses in need, how could this be so prevalent? The truth is […]

Calories in the Horse World


We’re all used to the concept of counting calories for people…but have you ever thought about counting the calories for your horse?  The amount of calories you give your horse depends on its size and activity level…just like it does with humans.  Let’s dig in to what you need to worry about as far as […]

The Effects of Nutrition on Hair Coats and Skin Condition


Many managers of horses and grooms place a lot of time and effort into getting their horses’ hair coats to look nice. There are a million products on the market today that claim to help with shine on a horse. But what about bringing it back to the basics? And what do you think one […]

Feeding Around Exercising


I remember when I was interning for multiple different trainers, and each one had a different philosophy on how soon after eating a horse should work, when they needed electrolytes, and some other things pertaining to exercise and feed. Some were very particular about a horse’s feeding schedule in regards to it exercising…others I don’t […]