Laura Burket
When and where did you begin your Riding Career?
I was a toddler when I was first put on a horse. I started officially taking lessons when I was seven years old with my mom in Virginia. We started out in hunter/jumpers and eventing. In high school, I switched to focusing on dressage.
What was your first professional training/teaching job in the horse industry?
In high school I would catch ride for money. Through college, I rode for a breeder and then took a working student position with Chrissa Hoffmann in Kentucky.
Do you have a career highlight?
Going to the US Finals at Grand Prix would definitely be a major highlight. I did freestyle in 2015 and then did the regular grand prix in 2016.
Do you have a favorite horse?
My horse Flame is just a special horse. I am still competing with Flame and have showed through third level last year, and will be working to fourth level next year.
Who do you look up to the most in the horse industry?
JJ Tate is an amazing teacher and rider from South Carolina. I have been working with her for two or three years now.
What are your professional goals for the future?
To get Flame showing FEI levels and then another horse, Daniel, after that. Daniel should be up to FEI at seven or eight years old. I also have goals with my students with getting their medals in dressage and doing the Young Riders.
Any advice for those just starting out as professional
Ride any horse that you can. Be willing to work hard and there are opportunities there for you. You don’t need a lot of money to be successful. I didn’t have a horse growing up, but as a result I got to ride lots of different horses.